
Building Sustainable Supply Chains

Session Overview

For ages, global trade has come at the cost of the environment and society. But today, the tide is finally turning. Countries are pledging to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Undoubtedly, we’re heading to a future where supply chain sustainability will be critical to every organisation’s profits, reputation, and holistic growth. 

With our virtual session on ‘Bringing Sustainability to the Forefront of the Supply Chain,’ we invite you to take a step forward to think strategically and creatively about how you can plan and achieve your organisation’s sustainability ambitions.

Key objectives:
Understanding the financial implications of neglecting sustainable goals
Fostering a culture that embraces eco-friendly practices
Leveraging the power of digital tools to reduce carbon footprints
Committing to a future of carbon-neutral transportation

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“Sustainability means ensuring prosperity and environmental protection without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”

- UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon on adopting global development goals for 2016-30


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